About the Author:
Michelle Sutton is an Editor-in-chief for Christian Fiction Online Magazine, Sheaf House Marketing Director, a member of ACFW, an edgy fiction writer, a book reviewer, an avid blogger/alliance member, CWOW blog mistress, mother of two teenagers, wife, pet owner, social worker by trade, and follower of Jesus Christ.
Check out her website, right here.
Check out her blog, right here.
About the Book:
When a young woman’s life is shattered by a brutal attack, she is torn between two brothers, both of whom claim to love her. She is attracted to both, but which one does she love? How can she choose when her decision may cause a permanent rift between them? And more important, will she give her heart to the One who will sustain her even when human love fails?
My Thoughts:
After winning “It’s Not About Me” by Michelle Sutton in a contest on the internet, I thought I should review it and promote it on my blogs.
“It’s Not About Me” is not your average Christian Young Adult novel. Usually authors of that genre sugarcoat certain aspects of a teen’s life, but that’s not the case in this book. The dialog isn’t fluffy or cliché but the author never shows them actually using profanity; the description isn’t over done and it’s always to the point; and the characters’ behavior is realistic for young adults.
What I liked about the heroine, Annie, was that even prior to her encounter with Christ, she was a moral person, which is refreshing. Most secular young adult books portray that every teen is sexually active. And Dan, the hero, is a Christian young man who practices abstinence; a choice that some even Christians forgo. Dan has loved Annie from the first moment her saw her. Unfortunately, Annie is his brother, Tony’s girlfriend but he maintains his distance until Annie is a victim of a violent attack. When Tony lets her down and their relationship is in limbo, Dan is the one who brings her comfort… at least until she meets the One who helps her to make sense of her life.
You know what this story reminded me of? The Biblical story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel, except that Annie can only have one of the brothers, not both.
The second book in the “Second Glances’ Series”, “It’s Not About Him” is due to come out in September 2009.
Hey, I was checking posts on my blogs I follow list and saw this. I had NO idea you read it and loved it but that tickles me pinker than your blog background. And if you think this story was realistic and edgy wait until you read the next one. Tony just gets deeper and deeper into murky waters but he REALLY wants to behave. Or does he? Anyway, he's only a minor character in book 2. I hope you enjoy that, too. And if you would post a review on one of the book sites like CBD, Barnes and Noble, Shelfari, etc. I'd be tickled fushia. :) Thanks for the review.