that song, by the Monkees? Whenever I hear it, I want to cry. When I was a
girl, seven or so years old, I remember sitting out on our front porch and
listening to it. It reminds me of my youth. As a kid I couldn’t wait to be an
adult and now not a day goes by that I don’t day dream about being a kid.
I last wrote, my sister had gallbladder surgery and then six weeks after my Dad
died, my aunt passed away. It’s a crazy, mixed up time for us. None of it seems
real and I at times I really believe that someday everything will be the way it
was. All that I can ask from anyone right now is prayer. Especially for my
mother. It has hit her the hardest. It was her husband who died, and her baby
sister she lost. If we didn’t have faith in Christ and the promise of Heaven,
we’d be lost right now. In many ways we are lost, but we know that we’ll find
our way again and that it won’t always be hard for us.
don’t know much else to say. I have been writing; manically almost. Whether
it’s much good or not, time will tell. I have tried my hand at shorter pieces
and have submitted them to various places. Maybe this sounds crass, but it’s to
make a bit of a name for myself and earn a little money. I need to do
you for all of your thoughts and prayers. God bless and love to you all!